
The Benefits

The Organization

Fellow Rail Advocate,

A new year has begun, and the work of developing modern, 21st Century, passenger rail service in and through Indiana continues. At this time I would ask that you continue your support of this effort by renewing your annual membership in the Indiana Passenger Rail Alliance (IPRA). Our regular dues are only $25. I am happy to say that 100% of any funds raised are used to support the work of the organization. We are an organization of citizen volunteers, and have no paid staff.

Dues can be paid online via Paypal.

Checks (payable to Indiana Passenger Rail Alliance) should be mailed to:
Indiana Passenger Rail Alliance
2020 Dues
Indiana Passenger Rail Alliance
125 West South Street, Unit 662
Indianapolis, IN 46206-0662

Among our goals for 2020 are:

  1. Support for creation of an Indiana Passenger Rail Commission so passenger rail can be improved and reintroduced for the entire State of Indiana.
  2. Active support by the State of Indiana for the Northern Indiana Passenger Rail Project, to implement service between Chicago and Fort Wayne.
  3. Inclusion of Indiana in the interstate compact to enable seven day per week Cardinal service through our state.
  4. Completion of the Northwest Indiana South Shore commuter railroad expansion.
  5. Preservation for eventual commuter rail use of the old Nickel Plate alignment from Indianapolis to Tipton.

As you can see, much remains to be done. Please do your part in supporting progress towards these goals with your contribution.

If you have questions about the Indiana Passenger Rail Alliance, or our programs, please contact us by e-mail at: info@indianahighspeedrail.org

If you have already sent us your 2020 dues, please accept our sincere thanks!

Thank you,
Steven Coxhead
Indiana Passenger Rail Alliance